PrintPlace Promo Code: Affiliates Earn More Per 100 Clicks Compared To Any Other B2B Program!

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GetYourCouponCodes, get your text links and banners seen by your readers this month! March is one of the top months of the year to capitalize on increased site placement, blog posts, social media promotions, and other promotional methods for If you're a sports fan, March Madness offers a great conversation starter to tie promotions into. For more female targeted websites, March 8th is PrintPlace coupons. Also, Daylight Savings Time begins on the 9th, so be sure to change your clocks if you live in an area that observes DST. Be aware that the time change might have interesting effects on your analytics reporting when reviewing at the end of the month. St. Patrick's Day rolls around on March 17th, so your website can wear its green themes with pride! Bear in mind that Easter this year is April 20th, so get your Easter holiday promotions ready at the end of March to capitalize on one of the biggest holidays of the year.

In 2013, our affiliates contributed to over 1600 sales in March alone, which returned a hefty commission payout for them! Our affiliates earn more money per 100 clicks than with any other affiliate program in the business-to-business category, which boasts to the affiliate program ranking #1 in the EPC Business-to-Business category.

We guarantee that our products are high-quality, on time, and that we give the best customer service possible. When you send new customers, you receive a return on your investment through increasing your potential commissions! Our affiliate program's high conversion rates speak for themselves because happy customers mean higher commissions for you.

This month and every month, our passion is your success. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you achieve your goals and protect your brand through our high-quality printing services and products. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Tiffany Kaminski Affiliate Program Manager
1130 Ave H East, Arlington, Texas 76011


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